Go, and Do Symbolically

Capital bit of humor, and a good point from Eric (question: is that the right version of capital to use there? I think it’s a british thing, that phrase, so there’s no telling)

Eric’s Tasty Morsels of Thought – Book Blogging: The Cost of Discipleship, Chapter 3

there are others who try to interpret the acts and words of Jesus merely symbolically, which, as Bonhoeffer is trying to tell us, is a costly mistake. Because we are called to “go and do likewise,” why on earth would we ever try and “go and do symbolically”? Maybe that’s why so many of us try to proclaim our faith with bumper stickers and tracts? I don’t know. If we are truly called to “go and do likewise” and proclaim Christ, then how can we not do so literally? I am so utterly frustrated and saddened by my Christian brothers and sisters who attempt to interpret all of the Scriptures literally except for the words and life of Jesus.

I posted this in Eric’s comments earlier, and wish to include it in this post:

Part of me falls under the conviction of this. (“Thou art the man” said Nathan to David as David is angered by the character in the story he told him, in what Clarence Jordan calls a “trojan horse parable”)

Like most of my actual time spent in life in general…..I think I think and blog and “consume” good material, but I am finding it harder to feel like I’m standing on the sidelines and wonder if I’m really satisfied to live vicariously through the discussion.

Michael Moore, on the DVD, The Corporation, which your friend Kaz reccommmended and I took him up on it, asked , toward the end of the program: Why would these companies help pay for something like this (the program) when it criticizes and warns about their very corporations? Becuase it makes money, and they aren’t that afraid of it because most people will just sit there in the movie theatre or couch and then get up and do nothing ( i jokingly said to my wife at that point, “NO way! I think I’m going to just sit here and not get up at all!”) But seriously, this bugs me. Part of me wants to blame the absence of a ftf community where I can be on mission in something worthwhile, but I am finding it extremely difficult to find a place that does both the Inner Journey and Outer Journey; IOW: ones who know that we learn to believe by being obedient, and also that we are called to “Life Together” and accountability for our individual and corporate (not as in corporations, but as in the Body of Chrsit ; the “corporate” structure from which we operate as a community (that’s Church of the Saviour language; “corporate expression” and such)

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