More Cool All Consuming Features

All Consuming

The web is a big place and sometimes people in one corner may not know what the people in the other corner are doing. Let all your friends know what you’re up to over here by putting something like this on your site over there:
(Omitted here)
You can change those two red things at the end of the URL if you want to customize your javascript include. Instead of putting all, you can put in one or more of your tags, and it’ll only display items that match those tags. To include more than one tag, just put commas between them, like this: godel,brains,petunias. The 3 at the end can be changed to show more or fewer items on the page at once.

I did the above to create a “dlature is consuming xyz sidebar (see my previous post).

The other thing, about using tags, is also cool. I could put one of those lists on different category pages, and show books I’m consuming (or movies, albums, etc.) related to those categories. Maybe I’ll expnad my categories. This is a cool thing. If only more book blogging going on was somehow captured. Maybe incorporating some technorati stuff for the book links? (Still, I could have sworn that allconsuming used to do this. Did something on the net change that made this too much of a chore? )

3 Replies to “More Cool All Consuming Features”

  1. ericisrad

    That’s a pretty cool idea. I wish we could come up with our own thing that wasn’t so riddled with “consuming” language. A lot of the books we tend to read aren’t really meant to be consumed– rather, we often use them as formational tools. I’m currently reading Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s The Cost of Discipleship, but I wouldn’t say that I’m “consuming” it, because it’s much too important of a work that is a very useful formational tool.

    Maybe we should start up our own “All Formational”? 😛

  2. Theoblogical


    I was kind of sensing that , too. Formation IS a good alternative word; something that is “shaping me” rather than the more consumeristic “receptive”, Passive intake. Good observation about the “consuming”. I agree.

    Maybe the guy had in mind “appetite” for books (which he later expanded into other media) and latched onto the phrase all-consuming out of that.

    I really like the tagging thing, especially if it caught on and lots of people used it, so it would become more “connective” amongst people reading similar and related things.

  3. ericisrad

    “If only more book blogging going on was somehow captured. Maybe incorporating some technorati stuff for the book links?”

    I have something in the works on this. I think I’m going to just do it myself, and make it book blogging -oriented. Allconsuming doesn’t have anything to do with book blogging– they just have little notes you can add to each of the books, which isn’t very interesting. I can code and I know how a lot of this stuff works, so I’m going to give it a shot.

    Do you have an AIM name? I might want to bounce some ideas off you. E-mail me if you do.

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