Dark Light

Eric posted yesterday:
Eric’s Tasty Morsels of Thought – The Matthews House Project, Blogging, and Online Debate

Dale recently read a book by David Dark called The Gospel According to America: A Meditation on a God-blessed, Christ-haunted Idea which Dale just got around to mentioning in his latest post about the Church’s relationship to Scripture.

(italics mine)

Actually …

(and Eric, I’m not mad at you, by the way. I don’t assume that everybody who reads my blog sees all of my posts, day in and day out, even you, who read –probably more than most– and comment)
but……… I did have a few other posts on Dark’s book:

I just added links to this post on April 13 :
quoting myself:

The Gospel According to America I have written on a couple of times – here , here and here —, and may return to it in future posts (I really liked it)

I guess one could say that I was won over the “Dark side” (huh-huh)

After all, it is good to re-emphasize this book. I still plan on returning to it. It is likely that some futurer event (maybe even the present debate over the “Justice Sunday” where Frist and Mohler and others are denouncing crticis as “critics of our faith”. Dark would certainly have a lot to contribute to that argument, namely, the blurring of the line between one’s “platform” and the faith.

I have also been reading in Eric’s friend Kaz’s blog (and I just rented The Corporation, planning on watching it today), and also am reading an article on Blogging from the Heart from The Matthew’s House Project The latter article has plenty of fodder for my favorite subject, which I have lately made efforts to revive in my …..in my ….uh…place where the wheels turn (as in “he’s really got his wheels turning”)….IOW, stuff that really energizes me. It’s one of those things I’m really a lot better at than defending political or theological positions (although the latter can be done in a good way ….emphasis and challenge upon the CAN). It’s really what got me into the Web as a Web page producer and writer. It harkens back to my intiial Web days (see New Media Communications, my first Web site). Gotta go watch some baseball —(my son’s team). More later.

One Reply to “Dark Light”

  1. ericisrad

    oops! My apologies. I did a short search of your site for previous posts on the subject, but I guess I wasn’t thorough enough to give credit where credit is due! I’ve updated my post to reflect reality 🙂

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