Blurring Faith With Politics Unleashed

It’s really getting to ridiculous levels of dogmatic shrill-ness.


Jim Wallis speaks to this in the latest sojomail:

James Dobson of Focus on the Family, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, Prison Fellowship’s Chuck Colson, and Southern Baptist leader Albert Mohler are hosting “Justice Sunday,” a telecast this weekend from a mega-church in Louisville, Kentucky. Their message is that those who don’t support President Bush’s judicial nominees are hostile to “people of faith.”

Despite the fact that many Democrats who oppose some of President Bush’s nominees are themselves people of faith, Republicans and their religious supporters are questioning the faith and religious integrity of their opponents.

That is an escalation of the religious/political war. And the two together sound like assertions of a Republican theocracy.

…What I hear, from one end of this country to the other, is how tired we are of ideological religion and how hungry we are for prophetic faith.

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