Tomorrow is the 37th anniversary of the MLK’s assasination

Like Gandhi 20 years before him, the champions of non-violent protest were felled by assasin’s bullets. King would be 76 today were he still living.

2 Replies to “Tomorrow is the 37th anniversary of the MLK’s assasination”

  1. Chris Capoccia

    For me, any positive contribution to society by MLK is eclipsed by his habitual plagierism and womanizing. His theological contributions are useless too. He denied the resurrection, virgin birth and diety of Christ.

  2. Theoblogical


    I tend to say to myself: “There must be something HEALTHY about their theology” of anybody who is of such radical obedience. To overshadow that with personal failings(and I do mean, failings) is to me small compared to the injustices he helped the Black community confront and change. That’s a heck of a lot better “theology”, orthodox or not. For me, the only real orthodoxy is orthopraxis (iow, Obedience)


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