Land Says Judge Resigned Membership on Mutual Agreement

Get a load of this one from Richard Land:

MSNBC – Transcript for March 27

And, by the way, Judge Greer has resigned his membership in the Southern Baptist Church. He was a member of a Southern Baptist Church in Clearwater, and he–they’ve come to a mutual agreement that he resign his membership.

So…..uh….WHY was that Mr Land? Mutual??? Are we all IDIOTS? I quickly lose my patience with people who think this BS actually works on intelligent people. WHY does one Volutarily resign CHURCH membership? Well, it’s one of two ways: The sense of betrayal from the view of the resign-er, or under pressure/suggestion/judgement from the “resign-ee”. The CHURCH is not a “party” to an agreement; but in this case, it has been made so by the authoritarians who have appointed themselves members of the purity police; which is par for the course in the leadership attitudes and modus operandii of the Southern Baptist Convention. To Judge Greer, I say, “knock the dust of your feet and find a real Church”; one that worships God and not Mammon/Nation/Dogma/Self.

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