A StudyBible for The Rest of Us?

I looked at the shelf of Bibles in the bookstore recently, and was paying attention to the various types of “Study Bibles”; the Schofield Reference, the Thompson Chain Rreference, the Life Application, the Women’s Study Bible, and somewhere on my shelf at home there is a Serendipity Study Bible.

Why don’t we have , for instance, a Sojourners Study Bible, or somethng like that? Jim wallis has often included in his speeches the story of how one of their community took a Bible and scissors and cut out the passages referring to justice and the poor. Wallis held this up and called it “The American Bible”. An alternate tilte might be “The Empire Study Bible”, with the same passages ignored or ommitted or “subsumed” under some complicted de-construction which ends up blessing the satus quo instead of taking a “prophet’s eye” view which more often than not questions and warns the powerful about the injustices being committed and perpetuated.

This is related to my post about a month ago about “Bible Wiki”; this project of a an Alternative Study Bible could be based on an OPen Source type of collaborative; where a variety of Biblical perspectives can be collected, debated, and BLOGGED.

This is a thought worth carrying on, at least it seems so.

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