This is like my story

Jesus Politics has an entry that is in sync with what I often say to people who accuse me of “partisan politics” in my opposition to Bush. I was a Christian long before my interest or involvement in electoral politics. My perspectives derive from my understanding of the faith, and not Democatic party platforms. Only after a good theological education was well underway, did I enter into electoral politics dialogue.

Jesus Politics: I’m a liberal because I’m a Christian

I grew up in a Republican household. Went to a Protestant church every week. It was the time of civil rights and liberation theology. We kept going to churches that were losing memberships so we got the recently graduated Theology students as Pastors. I learned about liberalism and liberal Christianity. I learned about questioning the Bible and looking at other religions. I learned tolerance and understanding. I wouldn’t be a liberal without my church.

Jesus Politics’ Carlos comments:

With so many Christians seemingly pulling the country to the right, this is a perspective that is often forgotten. For many people it was the churches that introduced them to liberal forms of political activism.

The Christian Right likes to accuse liberalish Christians of losing their souls to the culture around them. The reverse though is often true: liberal Christians and their churches have shown again and again the spiritual courage necessary to challenge and transcend the culture (religious or secular) that surrounds them.

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