Visiting Foreign Territory

MY son’s friend invited him to a Church Youth Lock-in at his Church, which ius the local Southern Baptist Church. When I picked him up in the morning when the event was closing down, he asked “Can we go to that Church?”, and I was telling him that I am all for his being involved with a Church Youth Group, but told him about how I am not thrilled with the climate of most Southern Baptist Churches because of how pro-war and pro-Bush most of them have become.

He just left to go to a Youth Sunday School Class, and the rest of us will join him at the Worship Service an hour later. I am bringing “God’s Politics” with me as a sort of “icon” like a cross on a chain, to ward off evil spirits. The level of nationalism that has crept into the Church, especially the Southern Baptist Church, is staggering and disturbing. But here goes.

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