Holy BS

Harbinger with a particularly articulate assesment of the now infamous Bush “Light of the World” Speech on the one year anniversary of 9/11

Harbinger: In the beginning was America, and America was with God, and America was God

Nothing has fostered civil religion as much as the partnership between George W. Bush and conservative Christians. Bush is frequently willing to play the role of pastor-in-chief and evangelicals in general seem to welcome this. But watch how easily this turns into idolatry:

Our country is strong. And our cause is even larger than our country. Ours is the cause of human dignity; freedom guided by conscience and guarded by peace. This ideal of America is the hope of all mankind. That hope drew millions to this harbor. That hope still lights our way. And the light shines in the darkness. And the darkness will not overcome it.
~ George W. Bush, President’s Remarks to the Nation, Sept.11, 2002

This re-writing of the first chapter of the gospel of John puts Freedom, as understood (and supposedly realized) by the US in the place of the divine Word, the very person of god. This is blasphemy. Regardless of your opinion of the President’s specific policies, the assumptions that produce this sort of speech must be challenged by Christians.

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