Vaughn Visualizes a Progressive Christian Blogger Network

Vaughn at ICTHUS talks about the setup of a Progressive Christian Network (like a progressive Blogs 4 God— (btw, I noticed there has been an almost complete cessation of links to my entries at Blogs4God since the political sesaon, when I really turned up the heat and the expression of disgust, even my sense that not only is Bush “not Christian”, but participating, in the name of “freedom and liberty” and even in the name of Jesus, in the gravest and most despicable evil this country has EVER known.)

Anyway, this would certainly be a welcome addition to the blogosphere, and a step further in creating some Christian community online where the breadth of the reach is literally worldwide (with the exception, of course, of the “information have-nots, which could become more of a “theological issue”, behind the obvious higher priorities of working for narrowng the gap between the haves and the have-nots in the areas of basic safety, food, health, education.)

This is one of those things that seems like a wonderful vision to begin pondering at Christmas, when we Christians supposedly refelect on what it means to truly have PEACE ON EARTH and GOODWILL TOWARD HUMANITY. If it is really true that “Jesus is the Reasonh for the Season”, then it must mean a bit more than putting up a sign in your yard — especially having it replace the Bush/Cheney signs you had up all autumn, when such an endorsement displays a clear endorsement of his most visible policy: The War in Iraq, and the propensity to be totally deceived by “wolves in sheeps clothing”.

This is a matter of a deeper importance than I believe most “non-techies” realize, since it is bringing to the fore the dialogue amongst world Christians, and seeking to create a more truly aware world Christian community. To the Religious Right in theis country, most of the “other Christians” in the world are a part of the worldwide liberal conspiracy, and all that anti-europe sentiment that arose here the moment countries stood up and opposed our actions in Iraq.

Let’s give this a s erious look. Vaughn apparently already has.

ICTHUS: Progressive Christian Bloggers Network

This would be a very open and loose network – no theological creeds or doctrinal statements, no dues or obligation, and it would be nice to have a diversity of (non-?)traditions represented. But if you identify with a more progressive Christianity, rooted in a politics of Jesus and the cross, or if you increasingly find your self to be a “resident alien” living in country that thinks its God’s gift to the world, you probably know who you are, you probably blog about these things, and it might be good to network together. Perhaps some good could come out of this. Such a network would be “free” to join but perhaps bloggers could pimp a link back to the Network website.

2 Replies to “Vaughn Visualizes a Progressive Christian Blogger Network”

  1. ericisrad

    We sort of have a similar dilemma at our church with differences in economic status. I’m creating a community property website (sort of like Craig’s list, but missionally and functionally different), but we have a good percentage of our congregation that is homeless. However, we do have a computer lab at our church, so that sort of solves that. And actually, one of our resident homeless friends that attends our church heads up our computer lab. It’s sort of a cool thing.

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