I’ll have to try this (Build my own Blog)

Macromedia article I just found sound like a good way to try some PHP stuff, and play with a blog tool at the same time. (I may not get to it until after Christmas, however)

Macromedia – Developer Center : Building a Blog with Dreamweaver, PHP, and MySQL – Part 1: Creating the Basic Application

Building a Blog with Dreamweaver, PHP, and MySQL

One Reply to “I’ll have to try this (Build my own Blog)”

  1. forrest

    This is great, you’re a nerd, just like me 🙂

    I’ve been teaching myself some PHP and integrating it with a database server, like MySQL. My Database Management class this semester got me pretty excited about this stuff…

    My server is actually my own machine, hosted on my home network (shhh… don’t tell Comcast) and it runs Linux with MySQL and Apache with the PHP module… its great to mess around with the inner workings of it…

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