Very Little of Jesus

ICTHUS analyzes an argument FOR war put forth by James Schall, a Jesuit professor of government at Georgetown University. I agree with the analysis Vaughn gives, which is, basically, that there is little of Jesus in the bottom line. It’s basically an underwriting of the present policies, which is rampant in American Christianity. It serves as example of the trumping of Jesus by “rationality” and a view of “the way it is” as put forth by the Prevailing philosophical climate.

ICTHUS: When War is not the answer

What Schall argues for is indeed being played out in the foreign policy of the United States in Iraq. In this sense, Schall is getting what he argues for. What is perhaps most disturbing is that Schall is a member of the Society of Jesus of the Catholic Church and neither Jesus nor the Church seem determinative for his convictions or his way of being in the world. Rather, his account only serves to underwrite an old social order that is now passing away ?“ behold the new has come.

Bonhoeffer spoke to this in much of his speaking and writing. For Bonhoeffer, it was all about “Being the Church”, which was, to live in the reality of Christ. To be the Church is to take Jesus seriously. To APPLY Christ’s life and teachings as command, not some “goal” tjhat we have no intention of pursuing since it is so “impossible for man”. But the problem with that argumant is that Jesus also tells us that what is impossible for man is possible with God, and Jesus himself represents, IS, God with us. Emmanuel. This is the core of the Christmas reality. There IS a new, alternative reality. The American Church is not seeing this. They have been practicing this for decades, and now they are no match for the secular, wordly, violent, anti-reconciliation stance of the Bush administration. Yes, I said that Bush is entirely secular. His philosophy is not that of Christ (which many people accept uncritically by the sheer virtue of his having mouthed the words “Christ changed my heart”. His actions betray this. This government is workign against the peace that the Kingdom of God movement is reaching toward , a nd indded, proclaiming as “reality”. This makes Bush much more akin to an ANTICHRIST. One who pits himself against Christ’s peace is , by matter of definition, of “the principalities and powers” ; EVIL. Part of the powers aginst which we struggle. This world is a totality, many nations. Our present hubris has reached unprecedented proportions. To refuse to accept the possibility that our nation is susceptible to the vanity and blind pride which is that of empire, is to question the entire Biblical history of God’s people. Even Israel was constantly reprimanded and scorned by the prophets for her infidelity.

The German people and the German Church widely hailed Hitler as a breath of frseh air to save them from the chaos. Hitler called upon God as divine advocate for their struggle. Hitler also portrayed the countries he wanted to attack as a threat, and one which must be met with “pre-emptive” force.

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