We’re being led by a blind man

This weekend , Bush referenced how the terrorists want to “kill innocent life”…..

How ironic that we are outpacing them by 10 to 1 in innocent life toll. Of course, we don’t WANT to do so, but it is “regrettable”. Hogwash. Hyprocrisy. EVIL. That’s what evil is. It is sel;f-deception; it is the lenghts to which someone will go to get what they think is rightfully theirs, and then enlist God in that very process that one travels when they forske the love of God in the first place.

Until this nation forsakes the Satanic and evil call to war, and the tendency toward immediately jumping to it and calling it “last resort”, this nation will not find healing.

I’ll keep saying this like a broken record becuase the gospel requires us to pursue the way and life of Jesus: War is NOT the answer. Violence begets violence.

AP Wire | 04/28/2004 | Bush: Fallujah Getting Back to ‘Normal’

Bush said those attacking coalition forces “want to kill innocent life to try to get us to quit and we’re not going to.” The president added that he reassured Prime Minister Goran Persson that June 30 was a “solid date.”

3 Replies to “We’re being led by a blind man”

  1. ericisrad

    If you think about it, it’s a kind of situational atheism. Because God isn’t “intervening” in such a way as they would like, they go ahead and use the means of violence to accomplish their goal of “peace,” even though it means laying waste to hundreds of thousands of innocents along the way.

  2. Theoblogical

    It once again reminds me of the thing Garrison Keillor expressed about how for some people, the “threshold of the Lord’s will is lower than that of others; they see something they want and immediately they hear the Lord telling them to go get that”. I heard the author of In Search of Paul that I have been reading (Crossan) on NPR Wednesday night of Thanksgiving week say that he is very uncertain about people who “know God’s will” with a certaintly after “praying about it” (which is what Bush often says he does, particularly about Iraq. Crossan says that he sees this as basically “certifiying their own will as the Will of God” audio link, this section is at about 18:00) Since Bush basically lied about every reason he gave, he sort of shot the whole “God told me” idea; instead, it seems like it was just the opposite. He saw something he wanted and set out to “make it God’s will ” too. It doesn’t work that way. Had to tell myself that a few times to be sure, but man, his deception cost and is costing thousands their lives.

    Thanks for the comments, dude. I really appreciate hearing from you responding to things I am expressing. I have also found several other interesting folks via your postings. What a great thing , this blogdom.


  3. ericisrad

    You’re so right about what Crossan was saying. And you well know from reading those books by Suskind, Woodward, et. al. that that is exactly what was going on because there’s so much proof that Bush wanted to go after Saddam all along.

    You’re welcome for the commenting. I enjoy reading your blog and I enjoy the discussion 🙂

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