Is this a Great Country or What?

This great line from Michael Keaton in Night Shift (I watched this for the first time on my honeymoon in our room one night) seems to also fit the Bush White House , in light of this story:

WASHINGTON (AP) – One-third of President George W. Bush’s top 2000 fundraisers or their spouses were appointed to positions in his first administration, from ambassadorships in Europe to seats on policy-setting boards, an Associated Press review found.

At least 57 contributors or their spouses were named to agency positions, advisory or decision-making committees and boards or to U.S. delegations.

from here

So, screw the idea that the nation’s agency positions go to people who have demonstrated commitment to the safeguarding of public trusts like environment, health and safety, food and drug, economy, and on and on. The responsibilities go to those who can tow the line , and feed the mouths of the poverty stricken corporations who always just wanted those “restrictive” regulations lifted.

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