That Grand Old Party of Moral Virtue is Above the Law

Really unbelievable. How on earth the American people stand for this is beyond me. Pompus, self-righteous, and criminal, Delay is a modern day decendant of the Pharisees (but that might be unfair to the Pharisees….the ones that Jesus railed against are the group where Delay came from)

Daily Kos :: Political Analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation.

In the modern GOP, power trumps the rule of law. The ends justify the (illegal) means. And in case anyone wonders why that rule existed in the first place:
House Republicans in 1993 — trying to underscore the ethics problems of Dan Rostenkowski (D-Ill.), then-chairman of the Ways and Means Committee — adopted the rule that requires a party leader to surrender his or her post if indicted by any grand jury, federal or state.
(Via the DCCC blog.)

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