Peace MUST come

This is when I’m going to become quite unforgiving of this American Church that has forsaken the prince of peace tro turn a blind eye, or in some heretical cases, to SUPPORT this mess; this EVIL. People who perpetuate this and LEAD this terrible plan (or lack thereof) are directly involved in EVIL. There’s no diplomatic way to put this.

Daily Kos :: Winning hearts and minds

KOS’ comments on this article
It is the civilians, starting with King George, who put these men into this morass of his own making, who deserve the real blame. The people who deserve to be brought up on charges are safe and sound in DC.

One Reply to “Peace MUST come”

  1. ericisrad

    That’s so despicable. Like I’ve said before, this crap always happens in war. These insane, tragic events do not have to be among the so-called “inevitiabilities of war.” If one stops thinking that war is inevitable in the first place, then all of this junk would never happen!

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