Outnarrating Them

via Hauerwas, from Tom Wright in The New Testament and the People of God

The Church can overaccept the pressing secular demands by outnarrating them — fitting them into a much larger story, one which begins at creation and ends with the eschaton, where the main character is God, and where the definitive event is Jesus Christ

(Also discussed Samuel Wells, Transforming Fate)

If overacceptance names the posture of creative openness to all givens as potential gifts, then “reincorporation” designates a profound awareness of the end of the story that, precisely becuase it is an eschatological awareness, commits Christians to a kind of patience and hope that will not foreclose on the end of the story but will search instead for ways to keep it going

This is extraordinary. I must keep reading. It seems that it may end up being a valuable “stance” and “expectation” and “posture” for faithful Christians in this “Post 11/2” era. (on post 11/2, see my previous post from yesterday

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