Al Franken Show Is Great medicine for the Depressed Democrat

Democrat, or maybe afraid-of-Bush,mistrustful-of-Bush, advocate of Peace/Democracy/Responsibility/Accountability (and nearly every other positive value of citizenry in the ideal U.S.)…..any of the above groups are likely to still be, and likely to be for some time, in our most thoughtfujl moments, somewhat depressed about the disappintment and sense of “oh no, another four years” and ”
oh no, will we ever make it over the hump now that they have another 4 years to prime the media pumps, deconstruct the constitution, remove elements of free speeach and move to stifle dissent……sorry, I keep digresssing into the litanies of almost-despair……

I wanted to talk postitively about how I am tremendously thankful for the Al Franken show, so I will do a new post where I can talk about just that…..see above

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