
Literally: Holy Shit.

SBC leaders: moral values were hopeful sign on election day – (BP)

Phil Roberts, president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Mo.: “The people of the United States have spoken. And they have chosen for their president a man who is self-confessedly born again, who prays daily, who reads his Bible systematically, who is unabashedly pro-life, supportive of free enterprise and a strong national defense, and who has taken a bold stance lawfully to wield the sword in order to defend and protect the people of the United States. This election, therefore, was a clear and resounding victory for moral values. It will likely appear clearer in the days ahead that the election was due largely to the fact that Christian people took seriously their responsibility as citizens to vote and express their convictions at the ballot box.

“Unabashedly pro-life?!!!” A man who admittedly isn’t bothered by his decisions to allow numerous executions, and apparently not bothered by his causing of tens of thousands of deaths of Iraqi citizens, and well over a thousand of our military, and all based on deceptions masterminded all because they wanted a reason to topple Iraq, and gain control of their oil? And these blind people are being led by someone who need only say the words “Jesus, prayer, and Bible”, and they all kneel before him.

Actually, it’s not HOLY at all. It’s UNHOLY. It’s evil. Evil convinces its perpretrators of their own righteousness and the justness of their cause, and their “greater good”, when they are , in reality, focused only on their own benefit.

Link to this Baptist Press story via Jesus Politics. I just found this blog tonight as I looked through Technorati links to Theoblogical.

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