Sullivan Concurs, but I don’t – Daily Dish

Had we changed leadershop now, it would have been difficult to assign accountability, for good or bad, for these policies and decisions. I always feared, in fact, that Kerry would have had little chance of success in the face of a conservative chorus of “everything was going in the right direction in Iraq when we handed it over to you”. Whatever the result, over thee next few years we all will be better able to asses the success or failure of many things that are unfinished now, and hold one team accountable.

This seems to downplay the tragic consequences of this president’s policies. I don’t find myself able to weigh the deaths of perhaps 100,000 Iraqis in a very despicable war (even more despicable than ANY war would be consdidering its origins, justifications, and downright deceptions used to get us to agree) against “who to blame” or “who will be seen as more effective”.

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