Two New Books

inSrchPaul.jpgIn Search of Paul: How Jesus’s Apostle Opposed Rome’s Empire with God’s Kingdom. When I saw it had an endorsemnt from James Carroll (author of Crusade and Constantine’s Sword , which said :
“An adventure in history, theology, and the politics of empire. Christianity needs this book, but so does America.”

Performing the Faith: Bonhoeffer and the Practice of Non-Violence.
I bought this and the above book when I had gone to Borders to buy a copy of the DVD Bonhoeffer. It is the start of my beginning to look into The Confessing Church; it’s history, and its applications to today, in the situation we face with this President we now have for yet another 4 years (unless we can expose the administrations and its dishonesty, corruption, and greed). I am fed up with the Church today. For many reasons, but this silence — in the face of blatant and obvious wilfull violence and corporate sellouts, but particularly the former in its Iraq debacle version — is untenable.

smBonhfr.jpgI look forward to seeing this. I will try a different store — the one I visited earlier did not have a copy— on the way home tonight.

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