Bush’s Real Reasons For War?

James Carroll, whose book I had out in my pre-work , coffee sipping first activity when I get to nmy desk, has some accusations/inferences that I tend to agree with (as do many others who have read “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”, the pre-Bush II neocon document outlining their plans for the “stabilizing” of the Middle East and their “resources” for the good of the good ol’ USA):

War’s Power of Attraction

Below all of the Bush administration’s stated reasons for the necessary movement from threat to violence, the clear inadequacy of those reasons suggests that something else must be at work. What could it be? That question requires hard thinking about the other side of war — not its horrors, but its attractions. Could it be that an unconscious wish to be at war — any war — has been driving George W. Bush and his circle all along?

Yep. Seems painfully apparent. And apparently, they’re not giving up. What will they try now that they have what Bush called today “Political Capital”?

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