Confessing Church is a MUST (as always)

Now more than ever…..I MUST throw myself into a deeper and more fervent dedication to finding that community that’s going to be serious about the Call of the Church to be a force for peace, reconciliation, and change, something which the present Church of America is certainly NOT.

I repudiate and condemn the heresy that is nationalism, and the obvious aim of the neocons to manipulate the religious community for their own ends, which are decidedly UNCHRISTIAN. If the Church is to continue in this sickening blind support of this , an outlaw regime in our United States of America, then it’s time for a new reformation, and a separation from the apostate Church of similar “separation” that the fundamentalist groups themselves seek to posit as the difference between “us and the rest”. There is NO room for unquestioning allegiance to an administration based on WORDS (words which , if they took some care to actually look and not simply blindly accept, would be exposed as hypocritical and dangerously deceptive, lulling us to sleep.) Wake up America! Wake up Church of Jesus Christ! We ain’t gonna take this.

American Bodhisattva :: I’m witnessing history repeating…

The mainstream Christian church today has, to a large degree, abandoned its calling to advance social justice and peace worldwide, and Sojourners has pointed this out. Such actions have led Bible-thumpers such as Pat Robertson to label the group as “semi-socialist”, as if that is inherently a bad thing.

3 Replies to “Confessing Church is a MUST (as always)”

  1. Me


    Apparently Bush didn’t either (although that was supposedly what his “Men’s Bible Study” studied “intensely”. When Al Franken asked Don Evans, one of the participants in that men’s group, what he learned in the Book of Acts, he couldn’t name anything FROM the Book of Acts. Bush, when asked, replied “You’re trying to trick me , aren’t you?” and went on to something else. Seems like Rove could “prep” Bush or find him someone to “tutor” Bush on some finer points to be more convincing. But hey, it’s workin’ pretty good so far, no , isn’t it?

    Man, what a depressing day it’s been.

    Glad to hear from you today, friend.


  2. Eric Lee

    Yeah, I’m familiar with that story. I haven’t listened to the Al Franken Show in a few weeks now, but he’s repeated it a few times.

    I’m not making any actual political posts today. I’m just mourning all things worldly political, and still celebrating being with my girlfriend for eleven months 😛

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