Evangelical Blasphemy

Evangelical is literally “telling the good news”, which is the news that Jesus had come and had announced the arrival of the Kingdom of God, and that he is risen and is active in the present. And yet , Bush supporters would have us believe that what is happening now is somehow reconcilable with that good news. The other option is, is that the claims of the Bush camp to be “in sync” with the “evangleical community” is all politics. A quick scan of the New Testament certainly yields results that not only do NOT lift up “war as a holy thing”, worthy of full “Christian support” for the agents who wield it, but also seem to speak against the use of war as a “tool”. For people to believe that this war will be good for Muslims (usually meaning, in Religious Right dogma that they wil be converted), is the height of folly, and opening the door to the ultimate in evil (ie. demonizing the “other” whom we have targeted as “enemy”, and therefore we have “God’s sanction” to do , well, basically WHATEVER the “people in charge” say is “the right approach”.

NO, this Bush administration is the OPPOSITE of evangelcal. It is bringing death and conflict, all because this group of neoconservatives bent on dismantling democracy in favor of tyraany of the rich and powerful , have decided that one of their dogmas is to “settle” this Middle East conflict once and for all, by force, and on the disturbing notion that our “way of life” is the only solution to “stabilize” this situation, which will “unfortunately” cost thousands of lives as we “show them” who’s boss, and seek to install a propped up regime friendly to our economic interests. It’s all there in the neocon document, Rebuilding America’s Defenses. (articles on it here from an antio-war perspective, and another website summarizing the project (Project For a New American Century) for which this document written

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