An Unbiblical Budget

I am quickly recognizing that hardly a paragraph goes by in this article by Wallis that I don’t want to quote in full — but blogs are for conversation, and this is a GROUP reading with lots of meat in it for us to bandy about and lift up for reflection. Good stuff.

Biblical Budgets seek to help realize the resourcing of jutice-making, in a host of areas. The Republicans say this is not meant to be the job of government. Is it the job of Churches? You bet. But is government ideally a partner? You bet. Can government help in the “making visible” and “bringing together”? You bet. I believe that the work of justice is not an exclusively religous issue. All people can

High Stakes For Church and State, Sojourners Magazine/November 2004

A budget based on a windfall of benefit for the wealthy and harsh cuts for poor families and children is an unbiblical budget. The good people who have run the White House faith-based office were clearly not the ones making policy and budget decisions for the Bush administration. One result of the lack of White House leadership has been the steady rise of the number of people, families, and children living in poverty in each of the last three years, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. And that is a religious issue.

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