Why A Prominent Kentucky Republican is Voting For Kerry

Via MIke James

Bush ‘goes against values I treasure’

Good leaders listen to others, ask questions and encourage dissenting opinions before making important strategic decisions. They know how to manage ambiguity. President Bush has no concept of ambiguity. Everything is black or white, good or evil. If you are not 100 percent for him then you are against him. A dissenting opinion is unpatriotic.

On the domestic front, President Bush has shown complete fiscal irresponsibility. It is unconscionable to declare war and then to lower taxes for the wealthy. No other president has ever lowered taxes in time of war. The result is a deficit so large that we have endangered the well-being of our grandchildren. That is immoral and irresponsible.

President Bush refuses to take responsibility for his own actions and policies. Instead, he blames others. He talks in sound bites, uses slogans and misleading labels, relies on spin, photo ops and staged events, and brutally smears his opponents. That is not leadership

The Courier Journal is one of , if not the largest newspaper in Kentucky. I hope this reaches the hearts of all conservative people.

One Reply to “Why A Prominent Kentucky Republican is Voting For Kerry”

  1. Jared S.

    Exactly. I agree with this totally. I recently read something about how the G.O.P. (well, they said it wasn’t them, but we all know it was) saying that if Kerry was elected he will ban the Bible. That’s the kind of lies that we get from the Bush administration. The amazing thing is that some ignorant “country bumpkin” will read that and think that Bush is the “savior” of Christian theology because he is running against someone who wants to take away people’s “rights”. The funny thing is that Bush is the only one taking away rights (the right to perform stem cell research, the right to get certain types of abortions, etc. etc.)

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