The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

This is a truly infuriating book. The level (depths) to which the Republican party in Florida will stoop (and apparently didn’t fear trying it again) is disturbing to say the least.

I wonder how this story was kept out of the press. It makes me either doubt the accuracy of it, or fear that some monstrous pressure has been brought to bear, or ….It is puzzling. I tend to BELIEVE it, being familiar with Rove’s reputation and past escapades.

I saw DVD at Best Buy a few hours ago called “Bush Family Fortune” which is based on ther stories in this book. I almost bought it, but then decided against it becuase I knew I’d end up with anger I could do nothing with but go into depression about the scum this political system has created.

Oh, please God, let us take back America and put these scum in jail for misleading our country and endangering the very earth with their grandiosity and self-worship, and the lies that drives them to hatch, one on top of the other.

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