Me Too, Jordan

Jordon Cooper expresses a sense that is shared among many in the Church that seems so caught up “my country right or wrong and basically shoving the gospel to the back seat.

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I talked about how divisive the election was a couple of days ago. I had fellow Free Methodist pastors from the United States say some horrible things in e-mail about my faith, theology, and integrity for doubting this in the lead up to the war that was from my own theological tribe. It took me a couple of years to mention that I was Free Methodist on my sites bio again.

In the end, it made me realize that while many people talk a good talk about being part of being in the Kingdom of God, it is just talk. Even among church leaders, their national, socio-economic, and politcal memberships are all a higher priority. Church history tells us that it almost always been that way and it probably won’t change for a long time to come and I find that incredibly sad.

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