Kerry Won Debate in All Polls

Often, VERY convincingly and overwhelmingly. MSNBC had a very impressive online point by point question rating.

I couldn’t find Fox’s numbers (they were the only one I could not find polling numbers. But their headline said “Both sides Claim Win; Poll Favors Kerry). I wonder what their poll numbers were? – You Decide 2004 – Both Claim Win; Polls Favor Kerry

Both Claim Win; Polls Favor Kerry

Fox did offer this little “slightly skewed” comment from one of their analysts:

Dick Morris, a FOX News analyst who once advised former President Bill Clinton, said Bush won on substance while Kerry did better on style.

“Bush was as unfocused, undisciplined, unenergetic … as he was during the pre-primary debates in 2000,” said Morris, a strong critic of Kerry’s policy positions. The president was “superb” when he spoke about American casualties or the need to win the War on Terror, but “I got the feeling he was distracted, he didn’t answer questions quickly, he stumbled all over himself.”

Notice the “disclaimer”? (“a FOX News analyst who once advised former President Bill Clinton”), and they had to get in the almost unbelievable observation that Bush won “on substance” ( I guess if you live in Bush world and don’t follow the news or do much reading about what the majority of the world say is going on, I guess you would think that Bush has “substance”….but ….yeah, OK he has substance, and that is what is Scary; that the views of his administration have any sway at all in a Democratic society.

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