Bush not only AWOL from Nati onal Guard

In addition to being AWL from the National Guard, Bush hasn’t seemingly changed that much since. It seems he spends as much time on vacation as he does doing his duties in the White House. And it’s not just a matter of doing “electronic commute”, but large gaps in activity that show no Bush activity during critical “junctures” (in quotes, because of how often he and his dad like to use the word “juncture”)…….

The Onion | Documents Reveal Gaps In Bush’s Service As President

“Our opponents have dredged up this kind of thing every time Bush has run for office,” Bush campaign strategist Matthew Dowd said. “We’ve faced down widely reported, fully researched, carefully documented accounts of Bush’s alcoholism, drug use, private-sector business failings, ignorance in matters of state, smug arrogance, and general self-serving lackadaisical behavior. So I’m hardly worried. An overwhelming mass of published information like this has never stopped Americans from voting for him before.”

According to Rocklin, the most damning documents were generated at roughly one-day intervals during a period beginning in January 2001 and ending this week. The document’s sources include, but are not limited to, the U.S. newspaper The New York Times, the London-based Economist magazine, and the well-known international business and finance record, The Wall Street Journal.

“Factual data presented in these publications indicates that Bush took little or no action on issues as widely varied as the stalled economy, increasing violence in post-war Iraq, and the lagging public education system,” Rocklin said. “The newsprint documents also reveal huge disparities between the ways Bush claimed to have served Medicare patients, and what he actually did.”

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