Bush NOT the Right Vote For Christians

Some interesting points here, and I agree with some…..it seems well aimed at the “clear and simple” aspects of the Gospel ( many of which I believe ARE indeed simple and clear, but somehow seem lost on the Religous Right, who seem all too ready to “forgive” Bush his shady and party boy past, while using the same ammunition against opponents.

While I don’t particularly like focusing on some “crusty” language as indicators of fitness for the presidency, the Religiou Right does seem to have quite a bit of self-delusion about the “character” of Mr. Bush. When asked about the topic of his “Bible Study”, Bush never answered. When a fellow particpant in that Bible Study was asked, he couldn’t give an answer. All of this seems quite fishy to me, having been a particpant of many Bible Studies myself, I would find it ot be an honor to be asked by the Secular media about this.


Why Evangelical Christians Must Vote Against Bush

Christians who live in America pledge our allegiance to Jesus Christ – if there is a difference between the demands of America and the commands of Jesus Christ then Christians who live in America will obey Jesus Christ’s commands instead of the American demands, while Americans who believe in Christ will follow the American demands instead of Jesus’ commands. It is a question of submission – to whose authority do we submit? Jesus said that no man can serve two masters – either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other (Matt. 6:24).

This is why I can’t fly the flag when others are using it is some sort of badge of spiritual superiority. My allegiances are higher, and the message of the gospel is at stake, and holds a higher authority than the misleadings of a national administration. When they proceed with irresponsible and unethical operations (not only their actions themselves, but their preoccupation with keeping their actual actions a secret, and portraying events in a manner to deceive the public. THey betray basic principles of trust.

I heard RFK Jr.. on Al Franken today, and they talked about the Bush EPA apointees to regulatory postions. All of them are former lobbyists for comapnies who are the biggest violators of regulations. Say one thing “Clean Air Act”, “Healthy Forest Act”, and do another, which totally is out of character with the names they give their programs (‘usually describing them as “common sense programs”….which translated from BushWorld talk, mean “regulations and protections make no sense becuase they waste money.” Again, Bush delivers even greater riches and priveleges to the large corporations who oppose spending even 1% of their income on public and environmental health and safety. Shame on them. Christian indeed. Hogwash. Blasphemy.

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