Another great quote from the previous link

I read this just after I posted the quote in the previous post. This one’s a great call to step up and be heard.

Eric’s Tasty Morsels of Thought – Palast: U.S. news meda 5 years behind

This is not a story about Dan Rather. The white millionaire celebrity can defend himself without my help. This is really a story about fear, the fear that stops other reporters in the US from following the evidence about this Administration to where it leads. American news guys and news gals, practicing their smiles, adjusting their hairspray levels, bleaching their teeth and performing all the other activities that are at the heart of US TV journalism, will look to the treatment of Dan Rather and say, “Not me, babe.” No questions will be asked, as Dan predicted, lest they risk necklacing and their careers as news actors burnt to death.

One Reply to “Another great quote from the previous link”

  1. Eric Lee

    I’d recommend reading Palast’s The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, when you’re done with your current slough of books. He’s no partisan, but he clearly takes the Bushies to task, as well as all the supporters of Friedman-style globalism. The opening chapter about what really happened in the Florida 2000 election is purely ground-breaking. I wrote a review of it here:

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