Let’s Look at the Deceitful, Coverup Forgeries

Instead of focusing on CBS’ use of documents that supported OTHER good evidence and testimony, let’s ask about the source of forgeries that were used to promote what other evidence shows us was an out and out lie: The documents used to accuse Iraq of trying to buy Uranium from Niger. These were forgeries that the Bush administration used to forward a deception to lead us in to war. That , to me, seems far more destructive, and far more sinister. The CBS documents were used in “support” of a case that had already been opened and already had several cooberating facts to give the documents themselves further legitimacy. The NIger forgeries were for the explicit purpose of fabricating an appearance of truth. The administration’s wilfull misuse of the forgery’s implications, when they had been told by Joseph Wilson and several in their INtelligence that there was no support for this, throws up a HUGE RED FLAG. After seeing “Uncovered: The Truth About the War in Iraq, and the testimony of Wilson, and reading further in his book, and following some of Josh Marshall’s coverage of the “Plume Case” (Wilson’s wife), I am hoping for yet another slam in the bough of the Bush ship.

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