Zinn Says Kerry Should Say US shouold get out of Iraq

via Eric:

Kerry Needs the Courage to Walk Away from Iraq

If John Kerry wants to win, he must recognize that our military intervention in Iraq is a disaster — for Americans, for Iraqis, for the world. He must stop boasting about his courage in Vietnam and instead start talking about his moral courage in opposing that war. He needs to stop saying, as he did recently in the Midwest, that he defended this country when he was fighting in Vietnam. That is not an honest statement. If it were true, then he would not have turned against the war.
He was not defending this country when he fought in Vietnam. He was defending this country when he said that we were wrong to be in Vietnam and we should get out.
He should not be saying that he will wage the Iraq War better, that he will replace U.S. troops with soldiers from other countries. If it is immoral for our soldiers to be occupying Iraq and killing Iraqis every day, then it is immoral for foreign soldiers to do the same.
He should be clear: We are not defending our country by our war in Iraq, and we should get out.

I certainly agree with everything Zinn says, except what will “win the election for Kerry”. Kerry’s opposition to Vietnam is a good sign for me, but I doubt whether and anti-war stance will help Kerry win, and that is sad, but probably true. I have faith that Kerry also sees Iraq as a complete mess and will take steps to correct that huge mistake, and apologize to the world for the evil which the people of the United States allowed to take place in pre-emptively striking out. My first priority is to get that derelict president and his band of evil-doers and greedy bastards out of the White House, and then begin the “reconstruction” process of healing world relationships, and healing our own land of the betrayals of responsibility carried out by this band of thugs.

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