Again, Intelligence Matters

Daily Kos :: Political Analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation.

Wouldn’t it be helpful to have an Administration that actually heeds a competent State department, Arabists, etc. instead of running foreign policy from the DoD?
Do you really need another reminder of how important this election is? And whose people do you want making these choices?

To call on the title of Graham’s recent book, about the incompetencies of the Bush administration with the issues of terrorism (plus prior illiteracy re: terrorrism, which also goes to the GENERAL illiteracy of this president, a gaping hole resides there in comparsion to nearaly all prior presidents, and in particular, to the previous one. Al Gore was also “obsessed” with learning about AL_QUIEDA. In stark contrast, and to our peril and consequence, the is administration thought Al-Quida to be “a Clinton thing”. Their blind arrogance cost us dearly.


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