Graham’ Book in my Bag of Books

Before getting home and seeing the 9/11 analysis on NOW, I picked up Senator Graham’s book, reporting on what he found while chairing the Senate Intellignece Committee. I’ve read the first chapter and skimmed through several chapters, and now I’m reading it on from the end of Chapter One.

One reviewer on Amazon gave it a low rating because Graham dares to suggest that “he writes a conspiracy-laden tale of intrigue trying to tie the Bushes to the Saudi royal family.” Except, my dear, angry Bushie, there is a TON of evidence from multiple sources to back that up. But, that’s living in Bush world, for you. Asleep at the altar of truth, and before mounds of obvious eviodence that’s there for anybody to read, from all kinds of sources, many of them consistent non-partisans. Today, it’s practically impossible to convince any Bushie that his critics are anything but partisan.

One reviewer at Amazon:
“Graham has joined the growing ranks who have written well-timed books to reflect their disgust and confusion over the constant deceptions that seem to entangle the Bush administration in its bid for re-election. Graham has much in common with Senator Robert Byrd (D-West Virginia), who similarly derides the current administration in his recent book, “Losing America: Confronting a Reckless and Arrogant Presidency”. That book places more focus on the President’s complete disregard for the U.S. Constitution and uses historical references to back up his claims.”

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