ABC News Does Some Reporting on Bush-isms

That is, his astonshingly frequent tendency to render things as bumber sticker slogans, and totally ignore those things which cannot be so reduced without looking like a further dunce (if that is possible). ABC News. Bravo. It’s about time. (via Mike James, via KOS) : Bush Glosses Over Complex Facts in Speech

Bush Glosses Over Complex Facts in Speech

for instance:
He attacked Kerry for voting against an $87 billion package for Iraq and Afghanistan operations that included money for extra sets of body armor and other supplies, mocking his opponent for saying the issue was complicated. “There’s nothing complicated about supporting our troops in combat,” Bush said.

But the bill in question was not solely about supporting troops and Kerry’s campaign said he ultimately voted against it because, among other reasons, it included no-bid contracts for companies.

It sickens me the way they have such contempt for the intelligence of Americans, and it sickens me even further when otherwise intelligent Americans (and especially Christians) sell their discernment for some sort of nati onal euphoria that lives in, for lack of a better term, “>Bushworld (Maureen Dowd’s collection of her NYTimes columns on the Bush’s)

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