Venemous and Simplistic Macho Cheney Gets Laughs from GOP crowd

I was sickened (but not surprised) by Cheney’s remarks, especially “Kerry says we need to be fighting a sensitive war — he thinks our enemy will be impressed by our softer side”….which is of course, twisted drivel, since Kerry meant nothing of the kind. He meant to have some eye toward “coooperation” and “collaboration” , to which the Bush/Cheney arrogance kiseed goodbye, and if they win in November, they’re going to get millions killed (and I mean millions of Americans). And they want us to believe them when they say that they are better qualified to protect us. They FAILED, a nd failed us miserably. With the efforts ongoing against Al-Quieda during Clinton’s administration, Richard Clarke desperately sought an audience with Bush for NINE MONTHS after Bush took offcie in January 2003, and Bush totally ignored him. He wanted to continue efforts, send people into Afganistan to get Bin Laden. They thought Clarke obsessed. They were absolutely clueless about the threat Al-Quieda represented. An Anonymous author (a CIA insider) wrote Imperial Hubris, where he details the failure of the US approach, an approach which continues to this day.

Imperial Hubris (my first post about it here and here)While I see hints of this author suggesting a more extreme kind of reaction than I would deem ethically permissable, he nevertheless sees serious holes and “cluelessness”, caused by the unprecedented Hubris in this US administration’s leaders.

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