COS Peace Witness Group

Seekers Church Peace Witness Group

Seekers Church Peace Witness
Seekers Church is an inter-generational, welcoming family of faith of approximately 100 people of all ages, many of whom come from various Christian and other faith traditions. We were born out of the Church of the Saviour in Washington, DC in 1976. The life of Seekers Church is based on the belief that God calls each person to minister to some place of need in God’s Creation.
On September 22, a group of 11 Seekers gathered after worship to discuss a witness concerning the possible war against Iraq. There was unanimous agreement in the group that we needed to witness to our faith and to the Seekers commitment to work to end all war, public and private.
Understanding that there was a diversity of opinion and belief within the Seekers Church community, we chose to act in the name of the Seekers Church Peace Witness, a group that we formed during the meeting. At present, the group comprises 28 Seekers.
After the first organizing meeting, SCPW created a banner that reads “Seekers Church Peace Witness” and that has been carried in three anti-war demonstrations including the January 18 national march on Washington. SCPW and Learners and Teachers, a Seekers mission group that oversees our School of Christian Living, sponsored three classes during Advent to explore Seekers’ stated commitment to work to end all war public and private. Each class was attended by more than 20 Seekers. Also in Advent, SCPW participated in a national weekend of peace prayer by hosting an hour of prayer on Saturday, December 7 at the home of a Seekers family.

A core group of six has been formed to guide the larger group in discerning the particular ways in which SCPW might witness to peace. We recently began hosting monthly “Peaceluck” dinners – potlucks or pizza feasts – during which conversation and explorations begun in the Advent classes can continue.

Peacelucks likely will include prayer, occasional outside speakers, possible preparation for direct action or contact with policy makers, follow-up conversations on peace/justice-related sermons as well as other activities as interest develops. Once the Peacelucks are launched, SCPW anticipates opening them to interested people outside of the community.

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