SBVT Scum 2

Capitol Hill Blue: SBVT: Sinking in Their Own Sea of Lies

O’Neill co-authored the anti-Kerry diatribe called Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, with Harvard PhD Jerome Corsi, a virulent, anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic, homophobic right-wing author who posts venom-filled attacks on conservative bulletin boards, calling Kerry “John Fucking Commie Kerry” and Senator Hillary Clinton a “fat hog.”
They based their book, and an accompanying attack television ad, on accounts by Swift Boat vets who did not serve directly with Kerry and several of whom have changed their stories or been caught in lies of their own.
For example:
Larry Thurlow, commander of another Swift Boat at the same time as Kerry who claims the Presidential nominee lied about being “under fire” when he earned a Bronze Star for rescuing a Green Beret. Turns out Thurlow also received a Bronze Star for the same action and his citation talks about being “under heavy small arms fire.” Turlow claims he never read the citation and it was wrong. The Green Beret Kerry rescued tells a different story, saying he was under fire and sure he was gonna die.
George Elliott, a former Navy Lt. Commander who claimed Kerry lied about his Vietnam activities, then recanted that story in an interview with the Boston Globe, then recanted his recent.

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