Evangelical and Environmental

I have long sought to integrate a healthy theology of environment into my faith. I am drwan to the natural spectacles and wonderments of our created order. As with many things long cherished that are now under assault by the Bush administration, the environment is something we shoul be emphasizing all the more, even as a form of protest; as gifts of life come under attack, we can discover newfound appreciation and recognize the “fabric” of life and deepen a “Pro-Life” ethic that is wholistic to the core. I found this group through an article in this month’s Sojourners(SUV, You’re Fired!
You are what you drive. by Jim Ball , available in the print issue, or in a month or so in the Online issue).
An Evangelical Declaration on the Care of Creation: Evangelical Environmental Network

On the Care of Creation
An Evangelical Declaration on the Care of Creation

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