A reminder of what Kerry said

Just a reminder, of what Kerry actually said , that Bush mangled so he could do his “Flip Flopper” refrain again. This post on the 15th pointed to a post from Joshua Marshall explaining the super complictaed “nuances” that Bush people pretend not to understand for their own enjoyment, and to the bewildered amazement of onlookers who see the statement and say “he didn’t say that”. The Bush World mantra: “repeat something enough, and keep on twisting clear “explanations” into something entirely different , and soon the media, and the dittoheads will repeat it. People who deny that they are, in fact, dittoheads, constantly reveal that they are by continuing to echo the lies endlessly. The recent polls showing Kerry’s lead narrowing sickens me, because we know its the Swift Boat Veterans doing it, even though their FLIP FLOPS are many, they’ve been exposed by the NY Times and the Washington Post and numerous sources as spreading stories that the actual military records expose as untrue, and yet their chorus lingers on, and News Stations country wide simply fail to pick up the more credible news sources which are doing what reporters are supposed to do: Check the FACTS (something Bush supporters are apt to avoid, since their crew are masters of darkness and deception.

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