Crimes Against Nature Intro

Here’s a link to an article that RFK Jr. did for Rolling Stone , Dec 2003, and is the subject of his book, by that name, that was recently released.

The environment is yet another domain of human life being absolutely raped and pillaged by the buy-out of the Bush administration’s policy auction. The highest bidder gets unprecedented sway, and in many cases, top regulator post in those areas. For me, a Christian, the stewardship of the creation is one of our inheritances as children of God. And, once again, the Religious Right throws its lightweight American Bible at the problem.

Crimes Against Nature

Crimes Against Nature
by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

George W. Bush will go down in history as America’s worst environmental president. In a ferocious three-year attack, the Bush administration has initiated more than 200 major rollbacks of America’s environmental laws, weakening the protection of our country’s air, water, public lands and wildlife. Cloaked in meticulously crafted language designed to deceive the public, the administration intends to eliminate the nation’s most important environmental laws by the end of the year. Under the guidance of Republican pollster Frank Luntz, the Bush White House has actively hidden its anti-environmental program behind deceptive rhetoric, telegenic spokespeople, secrecy and the intimidation of scientists and bureaucrats. The Bush attack was not entirely unexpected. George W. Bush had the grimmest environmental record of any governor during his tenure in Texas.

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