WIRED’s Politics/Technology Issue

WIRED’s September issue is focused on Political campaigns and technology, with articles on MoveOn.org, The Dean campaign, and one on Arnold S. (Haven’t looked much on that one yet — it basically talks about the ways in which his support is garnered and massaged; a “radical centrism” is the tem used in the article).

I am encouraged by the media attention to the use of Blogs and RSS in Political maobilization. JOe Trippi’s book got me going on seeing all this in terms of the ways in which the Church can use the blog and RSS medium to be a real enabler of story, and to hook up people to others passionate about similar things; this seems to me to hit real close to the idea of the Church being a breeding ground for mission; helping one another discover our calling, and finding ways to bring the visions of a few together into a structure that enables the work to be done. The very idea itself, as it has taken shape in the life and work of The Church of the Saviour in Washington , D.C. over the past 57 years, could greatly benefit from the use of the channels (blog and RSS) for putting this model out there among the populace, and particularly for the seekers who are constantly battling to find a model for Church that works in our time.

I was expecting to see some of the articles online at wired.com, but they’re not up there as of now.

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