Nader Factor

I read the post at MyDD about Nader’s numbers

The breakdowns really puzzle me, to be honest. The puzzling piece is how there are as many as 1% or more that can convince themselves that voting for Nader is going to aid any of the causes I perceive to be that of the Green party. Consumer advocacy? Environment? Is the “libertartian” so much more important to this group that they could shove aside the very clear CHOICE that we have right now? Is not the economic and environmental record of the Bush administration appalling enough to know that ANY of their interests lie in getting Bush out of the White House? Apparently they care more for naive ideology than for a rather clear short-term accomplishment: stop the evil. Yes, EVIL. Greed, corruption, militarism, profit-over-people, gone haywire. This is why I vote Democratic, now more than ever. It is to stop the slide of “people and groups falling through the cracks”. The cracks become potholes and gaping caverns when the Republicans of the past 20 years are in power. Double or Triple or 10-fold that fear and you have the Bush administration.

For the sake of our country, Nader people, if you love our country, you HAVE to be against Bush. Your own views will NEVER gain traction under an adminstration who clearly looks out for no vision other than lining it’s coffers and those of their supporters. I don’t really care about the arguments for who Nader is helping or hindering, but only that all of these people ought to know better; that Bush must be out, and voting for Nader will take away votes for no-Bush.

The idea that the “Green Party” can even fathom helping Bush is puzzling, and if there’s so much argument about who’s losing more votes to Nader, why not jump on the “Show Bush the Door in 2004” bandwagon? It’s pretty clear that that will get us back into a position to level the debate, and get sanity on the table.

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