Don’t You Dare Do That

This is disturbing. Let me go on record, before anythkng like this should happen, and I hope they (the GOP) are taking measures to avoid it.

In the name of what we stand for, free, unfettered, responsible speech, don’t give any ammunition to the secretive, manipulative, gustapo tactics of the Radical right idealogues. Let them talk. Their leaders won’t be listening anyway. They have no clue about participatory democracy. Let them have their websites up and running, where their supporters can talk freely. The Bush administration won’t be listening, and therefore benefitting from something they have no clue about : Conversation, Democracy, and caring what OTHERS think.

Wired News: Hackers Take Aim at GOP

Online protests targeting GOP websites could turn out to be more than symbolic during this month’s Republican National Convention, possibly blocking a critical communications tool for the party.

“We want to bombard (the Republican sites) with so much traffic that nobody can get in,” said CrimethInc, a member of the so-called Black Hat Hackers Bloc. It’s one of several groups planning to distribute software tools to reload Republican sites over and over again. These FloodNet programs are similar to hackers’ distributed denial-of-service attacks, which overwhelm a server with thousands and thousands of simultaneous requests for information

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