CBF/SBC brothers

In my looking at peace related Church resources, I came across this article at Ethics Daily, about a pair of blood brothers, one in the Southern Baptist Convnetion and one on the CBF. Interesting, but given my aim today, a nd looking for the alarmingly few Church related Peace web resources, I find it difficult to be so positive about relations between the SBC and CBF Churches , particulalry if the CBF member is in the CBF rather than the SBC because of theological issues that the SBC has defined so narrowly and with a definite fundamentalist flavor, which usually involves quite an alarming twist on the Separation of Church and State. Namely, that God has APPOINTED the government (especially when it’s a conservative one) to “take care of matters of war and defense for us. I would venture to say that any remaining Southern Baptist raised person who is adamant about the fact that Jesus emphasized peace and “love your enemies” and really meant it and woudl be a bit pissed that the Churches are trying to fudge with the very clear meaning of that; in the name of what I will call “worldly wisdom”; the myth of violence as a “solution”, and the lengths to which we will go to “work on that concept” theologically so that we can ingore this and still feel like we’re faollowing the gospel and Christ.

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An Open Letter to the CBF and SBC, From a Younger Evangelical

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