More Imperial Hubris assesments

Another point made by the author is that Muslimes are not, as Bush asserts, reacting violently toward us because “they hate freedom” and “our way of life”. Those that hate America do so becuase becuase of what America has done. This is not to take any forward steps toward any semblance of justification for ANY violence against civilians who have nothing to do with the decisions that resulted in actions by the US from which the grievances derive. It is merley to realize that the United States , especially lately, is perceived as arrogant. About this administration, and I’m sure, with numerous past decision n makers and spokespersons, this is true. The testimony of formerly loyal conservative administration officials have raised this concern. The leadership seems to operate behind closed doors within a very narrow group. The traditonal, usual mode of policy apparatus has been trimmed to a few who unilaterally decide upon how their goals are to be met, and then work the system and Public statements to give the apperance that a legitimate and democratic process has been made. Both Paul O’Neill and Richard Clarke, as well as countless other unnamed collabotators in their stories, and who knows who else, are seeing this secretive and manipulative process first hand.

The Bush administration seems to rely on “bumper sticker” slogans to rally public support (this was one of Clarke’s assertions in Against All Enemies. More sphisticated , nuanced, issues are not “explored” or adopted until they are cast as a black and white, done deal kind of issue. This make the war on terror a particular thorn in the administration’s side; a kink in the “bumper sticker” , easily explained solution. So they decide upon their approach, and “those who are against us or for the terrorists”. It’s really quite unbelievable.

Also crucial to the negative Muslim assesment is the reversal of policy toward Israel by the Bush administration, basically abandoning all efforts to reach any semblance of a settlement. Bush basically shrugged off the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and said it was a lost cause, to the utter dismay of Colin Powell. It is no secret, through writings of Bob Woodward in at least two books on the GW Bush White House (Bush at War and Plan of Attack) and also Richard Clarke and Paul O’Neill, that Powell did not get along with the military direction that the GW BUsh crew immediately uncovered as soon as they enetered the White House. Also, not encouraging. Scary once again. What other evidences are needed by Muslim people to come to the conclusion that if it were not already suspected, this adminsitration has set the ball in motion that indicates in no uncertaion terms that Muslim states are the enemy.

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