Effective Prophetic Leadership

A good thought to start the day. I actually had a little discussion like this with a pastor of a Church, where they related to me how they are in agreement with me but also, there’s the teaching role of the Church, which starts with acceptance and openness.

Really good article by Brian McLaren, whom I am so glad to see hitting it off so well with Sojourners. I met Brian and sat with him and a friend of mine for a couple of hours before an evening meeting in which Brian spoke to a group at Old Saint George. I can’t wait for the book, A Generous Orthodoxy, to come out (due in September)

Scared to Talk Politics in Church?, Sojourners Magazine/September 2004

So, if you’re going to preach and lead during this election year in any direction other than that of radio-orthodoxy, and if you have even a small prophetic bone in your body, you’ve got a tough job on your hands. How can you do it?

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